un grand merci à tous !
Thank you for your donations. Such an incredible Big Day of Giving! And unbelievable generosity from each and every donor.
Our original goal was $9,000. With your help, we raised $15,182 and exceeded our goal. Donors like you make all
the difference, so thank you for contributing to the Alliance Française de Sacramento on the Big Day of Giving!
We are so grateful
Thank you for the generous contribution from the Franco-American Benevolent Society!

Thank you to our generous anonymous donors!
Donations have been made in memory of
Tony Arlen, a lover of French
Charlie Klein who has done so much for the Alliance Française de Sacramento
Richard H.Akeroyd, professor of French
À la mémoire d'Emilie Fenaux Long
And in honor of the French teachers at the Alliance Française de Sacramento
Thank you to all our donors!
Anonymous |
Jim Sandberg-Larsen |
Kristin Rapinac |
Burt Cohen |
Barbara Cotter |
Julia Baumhoff Lemley Charitable Contributions, a Donor Advised Fund of U.S. Charitable Gift Trust |
Guy Michelier |
David Temblador |
Michele Ambry |
Laurie Wood-Gundlach |
Wendy Arlen Irene Lara |
Jane Ross |
Susan Tune |
Danielle J Dana |
Mark Schneider |
Daphne Rhoe |
Renee Taylor |
Jo Kopp |
Edmond Long |
Nicole Erable |
Hank Carl |
Aidan Connolly |
Cynthia Farmer |
Marny J Wasserman |
Neil MacMullan |
Suzanne and Charles Linebarger |
Russell Henly |
Carla Meyers |
Penny Westfall |
Brookes Byrd |
Diana A Bachelor |
Eva S. Garcia Garcia |
Matthew Abergel & Bob Cooner |
Greg Chew |
Jos Van Boxtel |
Marian C |
Nida Spalding |
Caroline Chamberlin |
Suzanne Bardasz |
Patricia Johnson |
David Love |
Joe Vollmer |
Dennis Cook and Susan Lamb Cook |
David Gibson |
Lynn Franks |
Darlene Wilcox |
Martin Janolo Béatrice Hildebrand James Hardgrove |
Margaret Fraser |
Mary Jess Wilson |
Mark Heckman |
Regina Gandour-Edwards |
Heidi McLean |
Suzanne Rivers |
Trisha Uhrhammer |
Megan Wygant |
Caylyn Wright Brian Giuffre |
Heidi Steger |
Joan Lynch |
Melanie Bietz |
Lisa Elliott |
Benigno Salazar Michelle A. Collins |
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